PDB Chemical Component RUO

Experimental Model

Chemical Description

Name oxo-centered triruthenium cluster
Formula O Ru3
Formal charge 0
Molecular weight 319.209 g/mol
Component type NON-POLYMER
Ambiguous Chemistry Warning The chemical description of this component is not well described in this definition. Descriptors and chemical names should be used with caution.

Chemical features

Atom count 4
Chiral atom count 0
Bond count 3
Aromatic bond count 0

Chemical Descriptors

Stereo SMILES (CACTVS) [Ru][O]([Ru])[Ru]
SMILES (CACTVS) [Ru][O]([Ru])[Ru]
Stereo SMILES (OpenEye) O([Ru])([Ru])[Ru]
InChI descriptor InChI=1S/O.3Ru

Status Information

Last modified 2011-04-22
Created 2011-01-06
Release status REL
Model PDB code 3ASE
Processing site PDBJ