Atom Nomenclature for R67

The atom nomenclature in PDB data files was revised with the release of data in the PDB Format Version 3.0. These changes make the PDB atom names used by PDB compliant with existing IUPAC nomenclature for standard amino acid and nucleotides (Pure & Appl. Chem., 70, 117-142, 1998) with the exception of the well established convention for C-terminal atoms OXT and HXT. A small number of additional changes were introduced in Version 3 to make atom labeling more conventional. The following chemical diagrams and tables provide the correspondences between atom names used in Version 3 and Version 2 PDB formats.

Labeled Chemical Diagrams

Chemical diagram with format V3 atom labels (heavy atoms)
Chemical diagram with format V3 atom labels (all atoms)
Chemical diagram with format V2 atom labels (heavy atoms)
Chemical diagram with format V2 atom labels (all atoms)

Atom Name Correspondences for R67

Atom Name (V3) Atom Name (V2)
C01 C1
C04 C2
C05 C3
C06 C4
O03 O1
O07 O2
O08 O3
O09 O4
O10 O5
S02 S1
H1 H1
H2 H2
H3 H3
H4 H4
H5 H5
H6 H6