PDB Chemical Component CLZ

Ideal Model

Chemical Description

Formula C8 H8 Cl N5
Formal charge 0
Molecular weight 209.636 g/mol
Component type NON-POLYMER
Ambiguous Chemistry Warning The chemical description of this component is not well described in this definition. Descriptors and chemical names should be used with caution.

Chemical features

Atom count 22
Chiral atom count 0
Bond count 23
Aromatic bond count 11

Chemical Identifiers

Systematic name (ACDLabs) 5-chloroquinazoline-2,4,6-triamine
Systematic name (OpenEye OEToolkits) 5-chloranylquinazoline-2,4,6-triamine

Chemical Descriptors

Stereo SMILES (CACTVS) Nc1nc(N)c2c(Cl)c(N)ccc2n1
SMILES (CACTVS) Nc1nc(N)c2c(Cl)c(N)ccc2n1
Stereo SMILES (OpenEye) c1cc2c(c(c1N)Cl)c(nc(n2)N)N
InChI descriptor InChI=1S/C8H8ClN5/c9-6-3(10)1-2-4-5(6)7(11)14-8(12)13-4/h1-2H,10H2,(H4,11,12,13,14)

Status Information

Last modified 2023-08-14
Created 2002-07-19
Release status REL
Model PDB code 1M78
Processing site RCSB